Notion Productivity Template: Weekly Dashboard
We love using Notion! It’s our favorite tool for project management, CRM, brand management, and even personal things. Clients that we form brand strategies form get a bunch of Notion templates that help them navigate through the world of brand management – everything from brand audits, competitive analysis, touchpoint strategy, communications strategy, and so on. Here is a little sneak peek of what working with us looks like in terms of goodies we provide.
Notion Template: Weekly Dashboard
Track your productivity and to-do lists through our dashboard. It consists of three tables:
- Classic to-do
- Timeline view of the classic to-do, where you can easily move the tasks back and forth
- Weekly review
You may also add related columns that will link your projects/clients to the to-do tables. The tables are interconnected and require minimum effort.
To download the template, fill out the form below.
If you have a specific question, book a free introductory call and discover how we can work together.